DIY 1176: More Bits Arrive!

On September 4, 2013

The project is truly underway with the arrival of about 90% of the kit. I’m already finding out why the DIY 1176 project is probably going to be harder than first thought.

Firstly, the power transformer configuration is pretty damn confusing. I’m using a 30VA toroidal from Multicomp, with 2x115v primaries and 2x25v secondaries, with a 0.6A current. Working with 2x115v primaries means stacking them in series by wiring the windings together. Sounds simple, but when the manual and diagram on the toroidal DON’T MATCH UP, it’s not particularly fun.

30VA Toroidal TransformerToroidal Wiring diagram in Manual

The case from Frank Röllen over at NRG Engraving has arrived with the custom etching, which looks pretty swish. Frank not only does the cases for the DIY 1176, but a vast range of others – and he chucks Haribo in the box too 😉 The knobs from Farnell already give the facia a nice professional look.

DIY 1176 Custom Front PanelDIY 1176 Front panel with Knobs

Last night also included some fiddling around with the ratio and metering switch. The mounting is a little confusing as the pins on the switch and the picture in the manual also don’t patch. However, it seems the switch will work in either 180° configuration, but I’ll be keeping an eye on it closely to see if that’s actually true. (EDIT: A quick email to Gustav at PCB Grinder confirmed this)

I also did a quick trip to Maplins to get some extra wire, a grounding pin and top up the solder. Tonight… WE BUILD!!

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